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All I Want is that Hood Love Page 3

  “My bad, Mrs. Lady. I was just in there chopping it up with my people.”

  “Mmm hmm! Yo people? You know them like that?” I asked out of curiosity.

  “Yeah, we do a lil business together every now and then,” He said as he popped open a can of Corona.

  “Want one?” he held out one for me.

  “No thank you. I’m pregnant,” I said figuring that this would keep him from tempting me and shit.

  “Oh. That’s what’s up. Congrats. How far along are you?”

  “I’m three months,” my voice cracked as I said that because 3 months was always my mark. I never made it past three months.

  “You good ma? I don’t like the way you said that shit. Kids are a blessing. You should be smiling and shit when somebody asks you about your pregnancy.” He was so right, but he didn’t know my past and what I had been through. He didn’t know I was afraid that I was going to lose my baby. He didn’t know that my pregnancy was at a high risk. He didn’t know and it wasn’t his business so I kept it to myself.

  “I’m happy. I can’t wait to have my baby. It’s just the process you know, like being sick and stuff,” I said trying to get off of the fact that I was indeed stressing bout this shit.

  “Oh, okay. Y’all women be going through it. Shit, I’m glad I ain’t no female,” he said causing me to laugh.

  “So you got any kids?” I asked.

  “Who you talking to me?” he said pointing to himself as if there was someone else in the car.

  “Naw nigga I’m talking to myself!” I said being sarcastic. He laughed, too.

  “Nah. I don’t have any kids. It ain’t safe for me to have any kids right now with the lifestyle I live. Nah mean?” He took a sip of his beer.

  “Yeah, that’s understandable,” I said. He had just confirmed that he was indeed in the dope game.

  “My lil sister about to have a baby soon though. Her baby is gonna be my baby.” He smiled as he said that. I figured he and his sis must’ve shared a tight bond with each other.

  “That’s what’s up,” I responded.

  We pulled up in Mrs. Mildred’s driveway and she was sitting outside on her front porch rocking back and forth in her rocking chair. We got out the car and I walked on the porch to give her the tickets that she wanted me to play for her.

  “Grandma, I’ll be back later a’ight? I’m about to go kick it with Chino and Dub,” he said as he made his way to his car. He got in and closed the door.

  “Whatever nigga! Make sure you call before you come too cause I might have my nigga over here! Ya heard me,” Mrs. Mildred said as she winked her eye at me playfully.

  “Grandma what I told you bout playing like that? That nigga bet not be here when I get back or I’ma put a hot one in him, ya heard me?” Mega said mimicking Mrs. Mildred. She and I fell out laughing.

  He started his car.

  “Aye, Mrs. Lady! Preciate that ride!” He laughed and pulled off.

  Ol slick ass! That nigga was slick as hell. Had me thinking his damn car wouldn’t start, but the shit was working perfectly fine now. I should’ve known better. The way he had tricked that old school car out I was more than 100% sure he had put a new motor and everything else that it took to make sure that car ran like it was brand new.

  I couldn’t do nothing but shake my head. He was definitely feeling me. Unfortunately for him, I was happily married with a baby on the way. Sorry sir.

  “Here you go, Mrs. Mildred. If you need anything else you know I’m only one call away.” I handed her the tickets then turned to leave.

  “Thank ya, Taysia baby…hold on for a quick second. Now I know what’s going on. From the looks of things it seems like my grandson Mega got a thing for you. I ain’t the smartest woman in the world, but it looked like you may have a thing for him, too. No need to front! I could see it in yo eyes chile. Now I’m not saying that’s the case, but I’m just telling you what I think. Now I’m gone tell you….Mega is my grandson and I love him to death, but don’t mess up your marriage trying to see if the grass is greener on the other side cause a lot of times….it ain’t! You grown and I can’t tell you what to do, but I’m just letting you know suga. JaMel is a good man and a good husband. Mega’s a good man too, but the life that Mega lives just ain’t for you baby. Plus you’re expecting. I would just hate see a good situation turn bad that’s all. Mrs. Mildred wouldn’t tell ya nothing wrong.” She shook her head.

  “Yes ma’am….I understand,” I said and gave her a faint smile.

  “See ya later, Mrs. Mildred. I’ll be by on Monday to make my normal rounds,” I said as I walked off the porch.

  “Okay suga!” She continued to rock in her chair.

  Mrs. Mildred had read through my ass like a Shan Presents novel. Damn, was it that obvious that I was lusting over a nigga I had never met up until today? I don’t know what went on with me, but I was going to make sure that it never happened again though. My heart was with JaMel Taylor. Like I said before, no man could ever compare to mines.



  “Leave muthafucka, I don’t need you! Ol’ nasty dog! You want me to help you pack yo shit? Huh? I damn sho will! You ain’t said nothin but a muthafuckin word!” I could hear Kira yelling as I walked up her driveway.

  She and Jay’Ceon were at it again. Jay’Ceon was JaMel’s older brother. You would think JaMel was the oldest just by having a conversation with the two of them. They were about two years apart. I swear I didn’t understand him and Kira. They would be chewing each other’s heads off one minute, and the next minute they would be fucking like rabbits, acting as if nothing ever happened. I don’t know what kind of love they had for each other, but I didn’t want that shit. All that fighting and shit was for the birds. Shit, just leave if you ain’t happy, but I guess that was easier said than done though.

  Just as I lifted up my fist to knock, the door swung open. It was Jay.

  “Aye, Tay…getcha girl man! She trippin!” he said as he walked past me, headed to his truck.

  “Kira, what the hell y’all got going on?” I asked her as she came out right behind him with a hand full of clothes. She was the epitome of a mad black woman.

  “That dirty dick muthafucka burnt me again!! This makes the third got damn time!!! It’s a wonder I don’t have AIDS fucking round with his nasty ass! Ugggghhhhhh!!!!” she screamed with her hands on her head.

  “Shakira, bring yo ass in the house…giving these nosey ass neighbors something to talk about!” I grabbed her by her arm, pulled her back inside the house, and closed the door.

  “Now, calm the fuck down! I hate seeing you act like this over Jay, Kira. This shit gotta stop! If you’re not happy then leave!” My friend was battered and it was starting to piss me off. Jay was known for being a hoe out in the streets and doing practically whatever the fuck he wanted to do. I swear he and JaMel were like night and day.

  I don’t know why Jay continued to play Kira like this when he knew the bitch was crazy. I loved her to death, but I swear she had a couple of screws missing. I say that her past was to blame though.

  “It ain’t that fucking easy, Tay.” She fell in my arms and cried. I felt sorry for her.

  “Come sit down, Kira, and tell me what the fuck is going on,” I said as I wiped her tears and sat her down beside me on the couch.

  Shit like this pissed me off. When she hurt, I hurt. She deserved better than the shit she was receiving. My bitch was far from ugly. As of matter of fact, she put you in the mind of Keri Hilson. She wore her hair short like her and all.

  Kira was a slim red bone that stood about 5’9. She didn’t have ass, but she had small hips that stuck out, and sexy, long bow legs that fit perfect with her slender body frame. She had that gap between her thighs that turned heads when she walked through. She could definitely succeed at modeling. Whatever she lacked in ass she made up for in her breasts, because they sat up just right. Her little, slim cute ass could walk around without a bra on and
you would never be able to tell. Let’s not forget about her skin. It was flawless. There wasn’t a scar, or freckle in sight. I wished she could see herself for what she was really worth.

  “First off, Jay didn’t bring his ass home last night. I can’t recall how many times I text and called, but the pit bull never answered or responded. When I woke up this morning, I had the urge to pee really badly and it burned like hell. I looked in my panties and there were some greenish colored discharge in there. I know it’s Gonorrhea. Those are the same symptoms I had from last time.

  Here it is Saturday and my filthy pussy ass can’t even get to the clinic until Monday morning. Fuck my life! Then he had the nerve to come in here not too long ago and try to get some ass. I went upside that nigga’s shit so quick,” she said as she shook her head.

  “Damn, Kira. This is the third time. What you gon’ do about this shit? This just can’t keep happening, but it will as long as you allow it to. You need to leave or Jay needs to straighten his ass up! You lucky it’s Gonorrhea and not some shit you can’t get rid of. I’m about to text JaMel’s ass right now because he needs to talk to his brother. Jay is getting out of hand.”


  “Yeah, you right, Tay, but don’t worry. Shit, I’m good. He ain’t never gotta come back to this house. I mean that shit! He can keep the hoes, lies, the cheating, and the nasty ass diseases he keep bringing home. My life way more important than this shit right here! Ole dirty dick bastard,” she continued.

  “Then to even think I was sucking his shit a few days ago!!! Ewwww!!! Fuck Jay! He’s not about to fuck up my damn weekend. How’s my niece doing?” Kira quickly changed the subject. She rubbed my stomach with both hands as if she was psychic and knew the sex of my baby.

  “She’s doing good so far. I’m just taking it one day at a time,” I smiled, then looked down at my phone. Mel was texting me back.

  HUBBY: Huh? What that nigga done did ni?


  HUBBY: Aight! I’ll talk to him when he gets here. Don’t be stressing bout this shit either Taysia. This is not your problem.


  HUBBY: Aight chill babe….I’ll talk to him.

  ME: Okay. Thnx.

  Kira went to the fridge and poured her a glass of Cîroc. Lord knows I was a drinker, but the way my body was set up right now, I couldn’t drink shit containing alcohol. My mind abruptly went back to Mega. I was thinking about his ass the entire drive to Kira’s house. I tried singing songs and even talking to myself to take my mind off of him, but the shit didn’t work. This man was stuck in my head like glue and that wasn’t good at all.

  I was pregnant and happily married to my husband of six years. I didn’t have any business even looking at another man in that way. I thought about telling Shakira about Mega, but I opted not to. That would only mean that I felt some type of way about him, right? I was going to push this Mega character in the back of my head and catch up with my girl for the rest of the day.



  I was chilling inside of my office at The Silvers Lounge, a club that I owned here in Cuthbert, GA. I was laid back in my brown leather desk chair, with my feet propped up on my Coaster Pergola Double Pedestal Desk with the felt-lined drawers, when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. It was my wife, Taysia. A smile crept across my face. After being together for six years, my face still lit up when she texted or called my phone.


  Me: Huh? What that nigga done did ni?


  ME: Aight! I’ll talk to him when he gets here. Don’t be stressing bout this shit either TAYSIA. This is not your problem.


  Me: Aight chill babe….I’ll talk to him.

  Wifey: Okay Thnx.

  I laughed to myself because I knew my wife was dead ass serious about killing Jay. She and Shakira were like two peas in a pod. You never know what to expect when those two got together. You would never think my wife was a Registered Nurse and Shakira was a high school Math teacher. They could turn their professionalism on and off like a damned light switch. Neither one of them had to work, but they were always on some independent type shit. Jay and I had no choice but to respect their grind. It actually turned me on at the fact that my wife was a go-getter.

  I sat up in my chair and placed both hands on my head, as I thought about how quickly my life was deteriorating. Unbeknownst to my wife, I was stressing like a motherfucker. My business was trying to slow down and to top it off, I was having an affair. I know. I know. The shit was wrong; but somewhere down the line, it became difficult owning two clubs, having money, and bitches throwing pussy at me in every direction. I slipped up though. This lil’ shorty and I been kicking it with for about two years now. She was nineteen when I met her at my club one night.

  The fucked up thing about it was she messaged me a few months ago claiming to be pregnant. I didn’t believe her at first so I told her to meet me at my other Club, Club VIP, since it was more secluded. I went out and bought a Clear Blue pregnancy test my damn self. That shit was damn near $30, but I didn’t mind because you get what you pay for. I knew this test would probably be the most accurate.

  I took her in the bathroom and made her pee on the stick in front of me. She didn’t hesitate. We waited for about a minute or two and the word “Pregnant” popped up across the screen. How the fuck was I going to explain this shit? Taysia loved me down to the core. She would never pull no shit like that on me. It would break her heart to know another chick was pregnant by not only the man she was deeply in love with, but her husband. Not only that, but the chick was now four months pregnant. That meant that she would have the baby first. Taysia wouldn’t be able to give me my first child, and that made a nigga want to cry knowing how bad she wanted us to have a baby.

  At first, I was contemplating on telling shorty to get an abortion, but I couldn’t live with myself knowing I had killed my seed. If this baby was mine, which it more than likely was, I was going to have to figure some shit out and keep them and my family that I had at home, far away as possible from each other.

  My thoughts were interrupted when Jay came busting in my office like a mad man.

  “Nigga, what the fuck wrong with you?” I questioned, knowing I already knew the answer to my own question.

  “Man, I just had a fight with Kira’s dumb, stupid ass! She talking about I burnt her again,” he said as he sat down in the chair in front of my desk.

  “And you’re mad because?” I asked wanting to know how the hell he could be mad at her if he’s the one that burnt her.

  “Shit, I don’t know! I swear I’m about to stop fucking with Keisha’s hot pussy ass. Every time I fuck that bitch my dick ends up on fire. I know my symptoms will be kicking in sooner than later.” He shook his head.

  “So tell me this, Jay, if you know every time you fuck Keisha you get burned, then why in the fuck do you keep on fucking her?” I was starting to think my brother Jay was a little slow or in denial.

  “Man, that hoe got the best head and pussy I ever had. I ain’t never met a bitch that know how to deep throat and grip the dick like her.”

  “So basically you saying you willing to take a chance on catching some shit?” I was curious to know.

  “Bruh, you just don’t understand,” he said, and we both fell out laughing.

  “Nigga, you retarded. Ain’t no way in hell I’ma keep fucking with a bitch and I know for a fact she burning. If that hoe pussy and head game like that, I don’t never want to meet a bitch like her.” We continued to laugh.

  I had been hearing about Keisha’s lethal lips and vicious pussy since we were in middle school. I al
so heard about how she used to set niggas on fire. There wasn’t a pussy in this world that could make me put my life at risk like that. Hell no! I’ll pass on that.

  “You need to chill on that shit, Jay! Shakira is a good girl for real, for real. May be a little ratchet sometimes, but she’s still a good chick. Don’t lose a good chick running around here fucking with these buckets man,” I pointed directly in his face.


  I had yet to tell him about my fuck ups. He knew about the shorty I was kicking it with, but he thought she was a thing of the past though. He didn’t know the shit was still going on and she was carrying my seed and shit. I planned to keep it that way. Hell, he may get drunk one night and slip up and tell Shakira on my ass, and that was just like telling Taysia.

  “Yeah, you right bruh. I’m going home tonight and I’ma make shit right with Shakira. I love her to death, but her mouth too flip! I be wanting to knock her ass out. We got that love hate type of relationship. I don’t know what I would do if she left a nigga for real,” Jay said, honestly speaking. He and Shakira fought all the time. They would be back together the next day as if nothing ever happened.

  “Yeah, do that. Now enough of all this sentimental shit. What’s up with ole boy? He still coming through?” I asked.

  Jay was supposed to be setting us up with a nigga from The Bany (Albany, GA). He was originally from Cuthbert, but moved to Albany a few years ago to expand his operation. Our cousins Chino and Dub worked for ole boy and they were getting to the money. Our business was slacking up and we needed more paper to open up some more businesses to keep the cash flowing. This shit would only be temporary though.

  We weren’t going to make this shit permanent. I wasn’t a drug dealer, I was a businessman. Right now though, I was willing to do whatever it took for my bread to start rolling back in. I grew up in the streets, so I wasn’t a rookie to this shit. I used to sale drugs and shit when I was younger and to get me through college, but this cat here was on a whole nother level. He had The Bany and all surrounding counties on lock. Word is he had taken over Miami too.