All I Want is that Hood Love Read online

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  “And how are we when we get together?” I wanted to know.

  “Shiiid…RATCHET!” he said in a serious tone and I fell out laughing!

  “JaMel, you need to stop! We are not ratchet!!”

  “I didn’t say y’all were ratchet….I said when y’all get together y’all are!” he said laughing this time. “Shiid, I’m still trying figure out how hell y’all get them professional ass jobs!”

  “Whatever nigga!” I mushed his head. If you didn’t know us you would never believe that I was a Registered Nurse and Kira was a schoolteacher. We were just your ordinary girls that grew up in the hood, but found a way out.

  Kira was my bitch! She was my sister from another mister. She and I had been friends, well more like sisters since we were knee high living in the projects. The struggle was real back then, but we struggled together. Everything we did, we did it together. We were inseparable. I was so glad when my sorry ass mom gained custody of her. She was the only female I really fucked with like that.

  I had a few associates, but Shakira was my BFF. Even though we were adults now and living our lives we still made time for each other at least twice a week. I couldn’t wait to get to her house. I needed a laugh. This damn pregnancy had me all in my damn feelings and eating like a horse majority of the time.

  “Aight bae! I’ma see you later though. I love y’all!” He kissed me on my stomach and then kissed me on my lips.

  “We love you too babe.”

  He grabbed the keys to his Cocaine white BMW 750li off the kitchen table and was out the door.

  I opened the blinds and stood at the window watching his sexy bowlegged ass walk to the car. I was so in a daze that I didn’t realize he noticed me until he stopped right before getting into his car and blew me a kiss. I smiled and blew one back. We were so lame for that!! I loved it though. Like I said, it was the simple shit that kept my attention.

  I closed the blinds and finished getting dressed. It was two o’clock in the afternoon so I knew JaMel would be gone for awhile. I entered the code to our security system, waited for the confirmation beep and closed the door.



  Cruising the streets of Cuthbert, GA in my 2015 white on white Dodge Charger you couldn’t tell me shit. Yeah, I was pregnant but I was only 12 weeks, so you really couldn’t tell. I had that pregnancy glow that made my skin glisten like a mirage. My Havana twists were pinned up in a ball and my MAC lip-gloss was definitely popping. Yo girl was Flawless! Beyoncé made that song exclusively for me.

  Everyone swore up and down I favored the actress Lauren London because of my deep dimples, but I couldn’t see the resemblance. There were so many niggas trying to get at me these days, but I was Mrs. JaMel Taylor. No matter where I went niggas would try to holla to no avail. They didn’t give a damn about me being pregnant. These niggas didn’t have a chance. They couldn’t compare to my nigga on his worse day

  I had come a long way if you asked me; from a dusty ass little girl living in the projects on Andrew Street with her drug addicted mom to a Registered Nurse making well over twenty-five dollars an hour; talk about coming from Rags to Riches. I was doing the damn thang. The crazy thing about it was I really didn’t even have to work. My husband owned two clubs here in Cuthbert; The Silvers Lounge, and Club VIP. The Silvers Lounge was more of a chill and laid back type of environment. You could catch everybody thirty and over at this club. Club VIP was the total opposite. If you wanted to see fights, hood bitches, and all of the ratchetness unfold then Club VIP was the place to be.

  JaMel would love for me to quit my job and sit on my ass every day, but I kept telling him that I wasn’t about that housewife life. I was raised to go and get it out the mud. My mom didn’t give me shit and didn’t give a damn about me growing up. Hell she probably still didn’t until this day. I only saw or talked to her every three or four months. Even then, she would only call when she wanted something. The only thing she was concerned about was her damn crack pipe! Back when I was growing up, the only time she acknowledged me was when her careless ass would misplace the shit and I had to help her find it.

  Shakira and I practically raised each other. We took turns staying at each other’s house depending on whose day was more fucked up. This was before my mom gained custody of her. We only had each other to lean on, so that was exactly what we did. I was about to tear up right now just thinking about the bullshit we went through as kids. I would save this shit for another day! Anyways….

  It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon as I cruised the streets of Cuthbert, GA. Before making it to Shakira’s crib, I decided to stop by Mrs. Mildred’s house to see if she needed anything from the store. Mrs. Mildred was one of my wound care patients that I took care of throughout the week. Out of all of my patients, I had become the closest to her and she was my favorite.

  I had been caring for Mrs. Mildred for about 4 months now and she was the sweetest little old lady you could ever meet. I missed out on having a grandmother’s love growing up and she had showed me that in such a short time. She lived in Randolph Heights, a nice little neighborhood here in Cuthbert. The houses were decent and it was the perfect place for someone like Mrs. Mildred to reside. The crime rate was extremely low. You could leave your house and car doors unlocked and didn’t have to worry about somebody breaking in your shit. That was just how peaceful it was out there.

  When I pulled up in her driveway, I noticed a car parked in front of her yard by the side of the road. I was inquisitive because it wasn’t just any old car. It was a 1968 Pontiac Grand Prix painted in chrome. Not any vinyl shit! I said it was PAINTED in chrome! The car was sitting at least 26 inches off the ground on some Dub Azzmackas all chrome rims. I knew Mrs. Mildred liked young men but Got Damn!!! I grabbed my purse off the passenger seat’s and got out of the car.

  “Knock, Knock….Mrs. Mildred!” I said as I knocked on the screen door.

  I was glimpsing through the screen when I saw a caramel covered figure approaching the door. I stood aside giving him room to open the door. Good Lawd this muthafucka is fine!!! I felt like I was staring t the rapper The Game directly in his face. I’m talking about this nigga could’ve passed for his twin or some shit. He had this nigga down to a T; the haircut, the goatee, the tats on his face, his body and all. Whew!!!! Let me catch my fucking breath. I didn’t know anybody,but I would’ve swore up and down this was The Game’s long lost twin brother.

  “Sup, Mrs. Lady? Can I help you?” he said as he held the top of the screen door open with his hand while blocking the entire doorway. The lustful look in his eyes made my knees tremble a lil bit.

  “Uh..uhh…yeah….Is Mrs. Mildred home?” I stuttered embarrassing the hell out of myself. This fine ass tall, brown, handsome nigga was standing in front of me with nothing on but a pair of red Nike gym shorts and some socks. You could see his dick protruding through his shorts. This nigga was working with a third leg. His dick looked as if it wanted to break out of its cage. Whoooo! Get it together Taysia!

  “Nah, she ain’t here. Is there something that I can do for you?” He rubbed his goatee and smiled showing all thirty-two. The top six and the bottom six were glistening in gold. He damn near blinded me as he spoke. I think he saw me looking at his Anaconda, but shit I couldn’t help it. Hell, you couldn’t miss it. “Um…yeah…Can you tell her Nataysia stopped by when she gets back, if you don’t mind,” I stated. He nodded and I walked away.

  I was almost at my car when I heard Mrs. Mildred calling my name.

  “NATAYSIA! NATAYSIA!! That you girl? Come on back in here!!” I turned around when I heard Mrs. Mildred yelling my name. She was at the door pushing the fine gentleman out of the way. She held up her cane and swung it at him. He was laughing his ass off as I walked back to the door, but I didn’t find shit funny. I was already pregnant and it was hot as hell outside.

  “Hey, Mrs. Mildred. This young man right here said that you weren’t home.” We made eye contact as I put him on blast.
He winked and continued to laugh as he walked away from the door towards the back of the house.

  “Aw, shit, Chile don’t mind him. That’s my clown ass grandson Mega. Come on in!” she said as she held the door open for me.

  Mrs. Mildred was a mess. If I needed a good laugh, besides my girl Shakira, she was the person to see. I went inside and took a seat on one the sofas in the living room next to Mrs. Mildred’s favorite rocking chair. From where I was sitting, I could see Mega standing in the kitchen with the refrigerator door wide open. He was turning up Mrs. Mildred’s favorite Tropicana orange juice straight out the jug. He caught me watching and held his index finger up to his mouth as if he was telling me not to rat him out. I just shook my head. He was so muscular and the huge tattoos that covered his entire body was so damn sexy to me.

  My pussy instantly got wet. I felt bad as hell! A man had never caught my attention the way he did besides JaMel. I felt like I was cheating on my husband and all I was doing is looking! Shit! I should have ratted his ass out for telling that bold face lie at the door about Mrs. Mildred not being here, but I didn’t come over here for all of that.

  “Mrs. Mildred, I’m not going to stay long. I just came to see if you needed anything from the store while I was out.”

  “Actually, I do need something from the store. I was just about to send Mega to the store to play my numbers for me. I’m glad you showed up cause all my shit would’ve been fucked up had I sent him!” She shook her head and continued. “Hold on just a minute baby let me go grab my numbers out the room.”

  She grabbed her cane, stood up from the chair and headed down the hallway towards her bedroom. I couldn’t help but laugh at Mrs. Mildred.

  I pulled out my cell phone and decided to check Facebook while she went to retrieve her numbers. I hadn’t been on the book all day and I was ready to see what the latest news or gossip was. People in Cuthbert put all of their business on Facebook. You want to know who fucking who? Check Facebook. You want to know who beefing; check Facebook. You want to know who died? Guess what? Check Facebook. These bitches and niggas had no chill.

  I just shook my head as I scrolled through all of the fuckery that was taking place down my timeline. I had over 20 new friend requests. I schemed through them ignoring them all. Majority of them was from some thirsty ass niggas and some of them were from some females from around the way that I really didn’t fuck with like that.

  Loud ass Mega came through the living room talking on his phone. He was pissed about something because he was giving whoever it was on the other line the business. He was now fully dressed in some True Religion jeans with a fresh white and red 1st Class lumberjack long tee. His all white retro 11 Jordan’s looked like they were fresh out the box. His attire was really bringing out his figure. The watch on his wrist said everything. This nigga was rocking a Hublot Big Bang Ferrari King Gold watch. That was $40,000 at the least. I knew right then and there he was a dope boy. I wasn’t trying to be stereotypical, but the shit was evident. Besides, who was going to hire his ass with all those damn tattoos on his face? I acted as if I didn’t see him and continued to scroll down my timeline.

  “Aye, Mrs. Lady!” I looked up at him to see what he wanted.

  “Do me a favor, tell my grandma I’m bout to run to the store real quick and I’ll be right back,” he said with the phone still up to his ear and walked out of the house. Rude ass didn’t even give me a chance to respond. Since he was already pissed and out of the house, I didn’t even check him about his rudeness.

  Mrs. Mildred came back to the living room and sat down with her numbers. A text from JaMel came through my phone as Mrs. Mildred double-checked her numbers while holding a magnifying glass up to the paper she had written them on.

  HUBBY: Sup sweetheart? What you doing?

  ME: Hey Love! I stopped by to see Mrs. Mildred before going over to Kira's

  HUBBY: That’s what’s up! Just checking on my babies. Tell Mrs. Mildred I said hey. I love you!

  ME: Ok I will. And I love you too.

  “Here you go Suga. Make sure you play them just like that,” Mrs. Mildred stated and handed me her numbers.

  “Okay, Mrs. Mildred. I will. Oh, JaMel told me to tell you hello.” Her face lit up.

  “JaMel! Where he at chile? I ain’t seen JaMel since he was damn near a baby running around shittin on his self!” She laughed and continued. “You make sure you tell him I said hello and it won’t hurt to stop by and see me sometimes.”

  “Okay I will. I’ll be right back.” I stood up to leave then thought about the message her grandson Mega told me to deliver.

  “Oh yeah….your grandson said he was going to the store real quick and he would be back.” I don’t know why I felt obligated to deliver his message, but whatever.

  “Okay baby,” she said as she stood up and walked me to the door.

  When I got outside, I saw Mega standing in front of his car with the hood up. He was still on his phone talking shit. He looked like the type of nigga that didn’t know shit about fixing a car, but he was under the hood doing something to it. I could tell he was a pretty boy though because he made sure not to get close enough to mess up his attire. I kept right on walking not paying him any attention and jumped in my car.

  I grabbed my Dolce and Gabana sunglasses from my purse and pulled down my sun visor to check myself out in the mirror. Before I could even put them on, my passenger’s door swung open and Mega hopped in and closed the door.

  “Uh uh!!! Excuse you!” I was ready to cuss his ass out.

  “Chill, Mrs. Lady! You ain’t even gotta do all dat! I just need to catch a ride to the store. My car won’t crank.” He smiled flashing that grill at me the same way he had done when he came to the door a few moments ago.

  Why he had to be so handsome though?

  “Well, don’t it make sense to ask first? You just don’t jump in a bitch’s whip like that! Especially a married bitch’s whip.” I looked at him like he had lost his mind.

  “A’ight, Mrs. Lady…I feel you. Can I please catch a ride with you to the store?” he smirked.

  “Fine time to ask, huh! Well since you already in my damn car and I love your grandmother as if she was my own, I guess you can, but don’t try no shit like that no more!” I set the record straight and put on my sunglasses.

  He better be glad the store was only a few blocks away because if not, his ass would’ve been through. I had no business with another man in my car; another fine ass man at that; another fine ass man in a car that my husband had bought. I’m not sure how JaMel would feel about this shit, but I damn sure wasn’t going to tell him. Our shit was good at home and I wanted to keep it that way. This nigga got a lot of nerve! I thought as I put the car in reverse and backed up out of the driveway.

  We hadn’t even made it to the store yet and Mega had my entire car smelling like Giorgio Armani. I wasn’t gon’ lie I was nervous as hell. People in Cuthbert talked too damn much and muthafuckas knew my car from a mile away. Hell, I was the only female in the 7 pushing a 2015 all white Dodge charger with bubble gum pink stripes stretched out across the top. Bitches could spot my car from a mile away.

  Mega was laid back chilling until Kevin Gates’ Satellites came on. He sat up and turned my radio all the way up. I was about to go off on his ass again for touching my shit, but I figured I would give him a break since I had just chewed his ass up for jumping in my car without permission. Plus, this was my song! I loved me some Kevin Gates. Mega nodded his to the beat and so did I. He started rapping the words to the song.

  “I been shot through the heart.

  Just on the d-low, Luca Brasi selling kilos.”

  Okay! So, why could I see this nigga staring at me through my peripheral vision while I drove and he rapped the whole first verse. His voice sounded sexy as hell just like Gates. He had me so distracted. I’m surprised I didn’t run into some shit. Let me hurry up and drop this nigga off before I do or say some shit I may regret. Just think about JaMel! I thou
ght to myself. I was like a dog in heat. He was just too sexy.

  I was so glad when we pulled up at the One Stop convenience store. I was scared to get out of the damn car. I wasn’t for sure if there was a wet spot on my seat or not because my panties were soaked like a sponge. I could feel it. I took my chances and got out anyway with Mega right behind me. We separated once we got inside of the store, but ended up together again at the counter. I played Mrs. Mildred’s numbers and went and got back in my car as I waited for Mega to come out. He was in there chopping it up with them Arabs like he grew up with them or something.

  While sitting in my car waiting for Mega to bring his slow ass out, I saw my hairstylist Carmen pulling up to the store in her 1999 Honda Accord. As much money as she made you would think she would upgrade her vehicle. She got out of the car with her high waist booty shorts on and a black spaghetti strap crop top. Her long box braids stopped right up under her ass.

  She had at least 20 bangles on each of her wrists. Her nails were done in multiple neon colors. They were so long that they curved over. There was no way in hell I would get nails like those. I bet her ass wasn’t clean. I know she couldn’t wipe it good. They were just that long. You had to be gifted to be able to do hair with those ghetto ass nails on. She reminded me so much of Craig’s girlfriend from the movie Friday. Good thing I had parked on the opposite side of the store because that bitch couldn’t hold water. She told her own business so I knew she didn’t give a damn about mine. She was cool as fuck, but she didn’t spare anyone.

  Mega was coming out of the store as she was going in. He held the door open for her as she brushed up against him and licked her lips seductively. I felt myself feeling some type of way for some strange reason. For what though? This nigga wasn’t mine. My husband is out handling business, finding ways to make more money to provide for us. Get it together Taysia. Mega paid Carmen no mind as he walked back to the car with a case of Corona’s and a few packs of cigarillos in his hand.